Rajasthan Current Affairs in English – 5 April 2021

Rajasthan Important Facts

Rajasthan Important Facts

Source: Rajasthan Economic Survey

Panchna Dam, Karoli

  1. Panchna Dam
    1. It is located in the Karauli district of Rajasthan on the river Gambhir.
    2. It is the largest soil dam in the state.
    3. When there is a water shortage in the Ajan dam, which lies in Keoladeo National Park(Bharatpur), the water supplies provided through Panchana Dam.
  1. Gambhir River
    1. It is also known as the Utangan river. 
    2. It is a seasonal river.
    3. Origin: Karauli district(Rajasthan)
    4. Discharge: Yamuna(Mainpuri,UP)
    5. River flowers between the Bayana city and Brahmdad village in the Bharatpur district.
    6. Tributaries: Sesa, Kher, Parbati
  1. Source – Wikipedia, Patrika

Stone Minerals in Rajasthan

  1. Kota stone is found in 
    1. Kota
    2. Chittorgarh
  2. Sandstone is found in
    1. Banipadahadpura(Bharatpur)
    2. Jodhpur
  1. Red stone is found in
    1. Dholpur
    2. Karauli
  2. Building stone is found mainly found in Jodhpur
  3. Granite is found mainly in Jalore
  4. Marble and Sangmarmar
    1. Mainly found in Rajsamand
White MarbleMakrana, Nagaur
Yellow MarblePithla, Jaisalmer
Satarangi MarblePadrla, Pali
Pink MarbleRishabhdev, Babarmahal in Udaipur
Green MarbleRishabhdev, Udaipur

Vehicle Scrapping Policy or Voluntary Vehicle-Fleet Modernization Program (VVMP)

  1. Aim:
    1. To create an Ecosystem for phasing out of Unfit and Polluting Vehicles.
  2. Objectives:
    1. Reduce population of old and defective vehicles
    2. Achieve reduction in vehicular air pollutants to fulfil India’s climate commitments
    3. Improve road and vehicular safety
    4. Achieve better fuel efficiency
    5. Formalize the currently informal vehicle scrapping industry and 
    6. Boost availability of low-cost raw materials for automotive, steel and electronics industry.
  3. Provisions:
    1. Commercial vehicles be de-registered after 15 years in case of failure to get the fitness certificate.
    2. Private Vehicles be de-registered after 20 years if found unfit or in case of a failure to renew registration certificate.

Source: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleaseIframePage.aspx?PRID=1705811

Reference: Rajasthan Patrika, Indian Express, Livemint

Farm Bills

The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill, 2020

  1. Provisions:
    1. The new legislation will create an ecosystem where the farmers and traders will enjoy freedom of choice of sale and purchase of agri-produce.
    2. It will also promote barrier-free inter-state and intra-state trade and commerce outside the physical premises of markets notified under State Agricultural Produce Marketing legislations.
    3. The farmers will not be charged any cess or levy for sale of their produce and will not have to bear transport costs.
    4. The Bill also proposes an electronic trading in transaction platform for ensuring a seamless trade electronically.
    5. In addition to mandis, freedom to do trading at farmgate, cold storage, warehouse, processing units etc.
    6. Farmers will be able to engage in direct marketing thereby eliminating intermediaries resulting in full realization of price.
  1. Doubts
    1. Procurement at Minimum Support Price will stop
    2. If farm produce is sold outside APMC mandis, these will stop functioning
    3. What will be the future of government electronic trading portal like e-NAM
  1. Clarification
    1. Procurement at Minimum Support Price will continue, farmers can sell their produce at MSP rates, the MSP for Rabi season will be announced next week
    2. Mandis will not stop functioning, trading will continue here as before. Under the new system, farmers will have the option to sell their produce at other places in addition to the mandis
    3. The e-NAM trading system will also continue in the mandis
    4. Trading in farm produce will increase on electronic platforms. It will result in greater transparency and time saving

The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill, 2020 

  1. Provisions:
    1. The new legislation will empower farmers for engaging with processors, wholesalers, aggregators, wholesalers, large retailers, exporters etc., on a level playing field. Price assurance to farmers even before sowing of crops. In case of higher market price, farmers will be entitled to this price over and above the minimum price.
    2. It will transfer the risk of market unpredictability from the farmer to the sponsor. Due to prior price determination, farmers will be shielded from the rise and fall of market prices.
    3. It will also enable the farmer to access modern technology, better seed and other inputs.
    4. It will reduce the cost of marketing and improve income of farmers.
    5. Effective dispute resolution mechanism has been provided for with clear timelines for redressal.
    6. Impetus to research and new technology in the agriculture sector.
  1. Doubts
    1. Under contract farming, farmers will be under pressure and they will not be able to determine prices
    2. How will small farmers be able to practice contract farming, sponsors will shy away from them
    3. The new system will be a problem for farmers
    4. In case of dispute, big companies will be at an advantage
  1. Clarification
    1. The farmer will have full power in the contract to fix a sale price of his choice for the produce. They will receive payment within 3 days.
    2. 10000 Farmer Producer organizations are being formed throughout the country. These FPOs will bring together small farmers and work to ensure remunerative pricing for farm produce
    3. After signing the contract, farmers will not have to seek out traders. The purchasing consumer will pick up the produce directly from the farm
    4. In case of dispute, there will be no need to go to court repeatedly. There will be local dispute redressal mechanisms.

Source: PIB

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