Indian History

Syllabus RAS Pre – Indian History

Ancient & Medieval Period:

  1. Cultural Foundations of India – Indus and Vedic Age; Renunciatory tradition and new
    religious ideas of 6th Century BC- Ajivakas, Buddhism and Jainism.
  2. Achievements of prominent rulers of major dynasties: Maurya, Kushan, Satavahan, Gupta,
    Chalukya, Pallava and Chola.
  3. Art and Architecture in Ancient India.
  4. Development of Language and Literature in Ancient India: Sanskrit, Prakrit and Tamil.
  5. Sultanate Period: Achievements of prominent Sultanate Rulers. Cultural achievements of
  6. Mughal Period: Political challenges and reconciliation- Afghan, Rajput, Deccan States &
  7. Development of Art & Architecture, Paintings and Music during medieval period.
  8. Religious & Literary contribution of Bhakti & Sufi movement.

Modern Period (from early 19th century to 1964):

  1. Evolution of Modern India & Emergence of Nationalism: Intellectual awakening; Press;
    Western education. Socio- religious reforms during 19th century: various leaders and
  2. The Freedom Struggle & Indian National Movement- its various stages, streams and
    important contributors, contributions from different parts of the country.
  3. Post-independence Nation Building: The linguistic reorganisation of the states, Institutional
    building during Nehruvian age, Development of science and technology.

Syllabus RAS Mains: GS(Paper – 1 ) – Part -B

Part B – Indian History and Culture

  1. Indian heritage: Fine Art, Performing Art, Architecture & Literature from Indus
    Civilization to British Era.
  2. Religious Movements and religious philosophy in Ancient and Medieval India.
  3. History of Modern India from beginning of 19th Century to 1965 A.D:
    Significant events, personalities and issues.
  4. Indian National Movement- its various stages & streams, important contributors
    and contribution from different parts of the country.
  5. Socio-religious reform movements in 19th and 20th century.
  6. Post Independence consolidation and reorganisation – Accession of princely
    states & Linguistic reorganisation of the states.