Indian Economy

Syllabus RAS Pre – Economic Concepts and Indian Economy

  1. Basic Concepts of Economics
    1. Basic Knowledge of Budgeting, Banking, Public Finance, Goods and Service Tax, National
      Income, Growth and Development
    2. Accounting- Concept, Tools and Uses in Administration
    3. Stock Exchange and Share Market
    4. Fiscal and Monetary Policies
    5. Subsidies, Public Distribution System
    6. e-Commerce
    7. Inflation- Concept, Impact and Control Mechanism
  2. Economic Development & Planning
    1. Major Sectors of Economy: – Current Status, Issues & Initiatives of Agriculture, Industry,
      Service and Trade sectors
    2. Major Economic Problems and Government Initiatives. Economic Reforms and
  3. Human Resource and Economic Development
    1. Human Development Index
    2. Happiness Index
    3. Poverty and Unemployment: – Concept, Types, Causes, Remedies and Current Flagship
  4. Social Justice and Empowerment
    1. Provisions for Weaker Sections.

Syllabus RAS Mains – Paper 1 – Unit 2 – Part A – Indian Economy

  1. Agriculture – growth and productivity trends in Indian agriculture. Food
    processing sector and food management. Agricultural reforms and challenges.
  2. Trends in Industrial Sector- Industrial Policy and Industrial Finance.
    Liberalization, Globalization, Privatization and economic reforms.
    Infrastructure and economic growth.
  3. Inflation, Prices and demand/supply management.
  4. Centre-State financial relations and Latest Finance Commission. Fiscal
    Responsibility & Budget Management Act and fiscal reforms in India.
  5. Budgetary trends and fiscal policy. Tax reforms in India. Subsidies- cash
    transfer and other related issues. Trends in revenue and expenditure.
  6. Role of Government in economic activities. Private, Public and Merit Goods.
  7. Social Sector- poverty, unemployment and inequality. Healthcare and
    Education Policy. Problem of regulatory effectiveness. Redefining the role of
    state in economic development and an employment oriented growth strategy.