Science & Technology

Syllabus RAS Pre: S&T

  1. Basics of Everyday Science.
  2. Computers, Information and Communication Technology.
  3. Defence Technology, Space Technology and Satellites.
  4. Nanotechnology, Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering.
  5. Food and Nutrition, Blood Groups and Rh Factor.
  6. Health care; Infectious, Non-Infectious and Zoonotic diseases.
  7. Environmental and Ecological Changes and their Impact.
  8. Biodiversity, Conservation of Natural Resources and Sustainable Development.
  9. Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry and Animal Husbandry with special reference to Rajasthan.
  10. Development of Science and Technology with special reference to Rajasthan

Syllabus RAS Mains: Paper 2 – Unit 2 General Science & Technology

  1. Chemistry in everyday life; States of Matter; Atomic Structure; Metal, NonMetal and Metalloids, Metallurgical Principles and methods, Important ores and alloys; Acid, Base and Salts, concept of pH and Buffers; Important Drugs (Synthetic and Natural), Antioxidants, Preservatives, Insecticides, Pesticides, Fungicides, Herbicides, Fertilizers, Binders and Sweeteners; Carbon, its compounds and their domestic and industrial applications; Radioactivity concepts and applications.
  2. Physics in everyday life; Gravitation; Human eye and Defects; Heat; Static and Current Electricity; Magnetism, Electro-Magnetism, Sound and ElectroMagnetic Waves, Magnetic resonance imaging and Nuclear magnetic resonance; Nuclear fission and Fusion.
  3. The Cell; Control and Coordination, Reproductive, Excretory, Respiratory, Circulatory and Digestive systems in Human being; Blood groups, Composition and Functions of blood; Hormones; Genetics and Lifestyle Diseases; Human diseases- Communicable and Non-communicable, Endemic, Epidemic, Pandemic their Diagnosis and Control, Immunization and Vaccination; Drugs
    and Alcohol abuse. Plant parts and their functions, Plant nutrition, Plant growth regulators, Sexual and asexual reproduction in plants, Important medicinal plants with special reference to Rajasthan; Organic farming; Biotechnology and its applications.
  4. Basic computer science; Networking and types; Analogue and digital telecommunication; Frequency spectrum; Mobile telephony, Recent developments in information and communication technology- Artificial intelligence; Big data, Cloud computing, Internet of things, Crypto currency, OTT platforms and Social media and their impacts; IT industry in India, Digital India initiatives.
  5. Contribution of Indian Scientists in Science and Technology, Scientific and technological advancements- Robotics, Machine learning, Augmented reality, Nanotechnology, RFID, Quantum computing etc, Development of science and
    technology in Rajasthan, Government policies related to Science and Technology.
  6. Space technology- Indian space programme, Satellites and their orbits, various launch vehicles; Remote sensing.
  7. Defence technology- Missiles, Indian missile programme, Chemical and Biological weapons.