Basic Science


What is Science?

  1. Science:
    • The Latin word “Scientia” means “to Know”.
    • A systematic study of Nature.

Branches of Science

  1. Biology
    1. Zoology
    2. Botany
  2. Physical science
    1. Physics
      1. Ancient Physics(Before 1900)
      2. Modern or Quantum Physics(After 1900)
    2. Chemistry
      1. Organic
      2. Inorganic
      3. Physical Chemistry

Important Contributories

  1. Father of Biology:
    • Aristotle
  2. Father of Modern Biology:
    • Charles Robert Darwin
  3. Who used the word biology for the first time?
    • J.B Lamarck and
    • G.R Treviranus
  4. Father of Geology(also known as animal science):
    • Aristotle
      • Aristotle mention about 500 animals in his book Historia animalium (“History of the Animals”)
  5. Father of Botony(also called plant science):
    • Theophrastus
      • Theophrastus describes plants in his book Historia Plantarum.
  6. Father of Modern Botany:
    • Carl Linnaeus
  7. Father of Binomial Method:
    • Carl Linnaeus
  8. The scientific name of Humans(Carl Linnaeus):
    • Homo sapiens
  9. Father of Chemistry:
    • Antoine Lavoisier
      • He also discovers Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Sulpher.
  10. Father of Physics:
    • Sir Issac Newton
    • Galileo
  11. Father of Modern Physics:
    • Albert Einstein

Characteristics of Living things

  1. Movement
  2. Locomotion
    • Locomotion presents in animals.
      • Organs:
        1. Pseudopodia
        2. Cilia
        3. Flagella
        4. Foot
    • Locomotion not present in plants.
  3. Organism
  4. Protoplasm
    • J.E. Purkinje (1839) first introduced the term ‘Protoplasm’.
  5. Cytoplasm
  6. Metabolism
    • Anabolism + Catabolism
  7. Respiration
    • C6H12O(Glucose) + 6O2 (Oxygen) → 6CO (Carbon dioxide)+ 6H2O(Water) + 673 kcal
  8. Photosynthesis
    • 6CO2 + 12H2O + (Sun light) → C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O