
As per RPSC RAS Syllabus

Geography of World and India

World Geography

  1. Broad Physical features.
  2. Environmental and Ecological Issues.
  3. Wildlife and Bio-diversity.
  4. International Waterways.
  5. Major Industrial Regions.

Geography of India

  1. Broad physical features and Major physiographic divisions.
  2. Agriculture and Agro based Activities.
  3. Minerals – Iron, Manganese, Coal, Oil & Gas, Atomic minerals.
  4. Major Industries and Industrial development.
  5. Transportation– major transport corridors.
  6. Natural Resources.
  7. Environmental Problems and Ecological Issues

Geography of Rajasthan

  1. Major physiographic regions and their characteristics
  2. Climatic characteristics
  3. Major Rivers & Lakes
  4. Natural Vegetation & Soil
  5. Major Crops- Wheat, Maize, Barley, Cotton, Sugarcane & Bajra
  6. Major Industries.
  7. Major Irrigation Projects & Water Conservation Techniques
  8. Population-Growth, Density, Literacy, Sex-ratio & Major Tribes
  9. Minerals- Metallic & Non-Metallic
  10. Power Resources- Conventional & Non-Conventional
  11. Biodiversity & its Conservation
  12. Tourist Centres & Circuits

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